Area of Practice

Area of Practice

Patent Filing and Prosecution

We specialize in patent application preparation, filing and prosecution around the world. Our qualified attorneys regularly work with clients to develop strategies for protecting our clients’ technology and conduct patent harvesting sessions with potential inventors to identify and develop subject matter for which patent protection may be appropriate. We have the technical education and expertise to understand complex inventions in a broad spectrum of technologies, which means we get to the crux of the invention efficiently. This saves time and money.


Trademarks and service marks are valuable business properties. From screening prospective marks and right-to-use opinions to representing clients before the Patent and Trademark Office; from negotiating licenses to litigating landmark trademark issues; from obtaining one trademark registration to maintaining multi-national trademark portfolios, our attorneys possess the depth of knowledge and the skills necessary to protect and promote these unique business assets.

We advise clients on strategies for maximizing the value of existing trademark portfolios as well as the selection of new marks for products, services and technologies. We also provide strategic counseling to our clients regarding searching and clearance of potential trademarks and analysis of industry landscape for trademark selection in India and around the world.


We have experience preparing, evaluating and negotiating IP license agreements, including patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secret agreements. We also assist in conducting due diligence and investigation of IP assets for acquisitions and other types of technology transfers.


Copyrights protect original works of authorship, centering on the original expression of an idea. We can obtain copyrights for literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, visual and sculptural works, and architecture.